Prophylactic Anthroposophic Approach to Health

Prophylactic Anthroposophic Approach to Health

Prophylactic Anthroposophic Approach to Health Prevention is better than cure and furthermore it is much more achievable. Important aspects to consider Nutrition Three Types of exercise: pilates/yoga; cardio & muscle building Emotional Health Healthy Thinking All...
Why Anthroposophic Medicine?

Why Anthroposophic Medicine?

Why Anthroposophic Medicine? My youtube channel:   My website:  email   Book an Appointment Click...
Urinary Tract Infections & How to Prevent Them

Urinary Tract Infections & How to Prevent Them

Urinary Tract Infections & How to Prevent Them There are a few things men and women can do to prevent utis/urinary tract infections. Pay attention to your warmth organism, stay or get warm. Women: washing your intimate area before sex. Men: have prostate problems...
Why we all may have intestinal worms

Why we all may have intestinal worms

Why we all may have intestinal worms Worms Worms by Physician Committee for responsible medicine: Worms Are ‘Pretty Common’ in These Types of Fish — Here’s...