Cancer Treatment in Anthroposophic Medicine
- Reduce Animal foods in your diet
- Green juicing:
- Increase vitamin C in diet: juice of 1 lime/lemon a day
- Vitamin D 1000 units daily
Mistletoe, how does it work?
- Cytotoxic effect
- Activates the ability of our immune system to target cancer cells through for instance activation of T cells and cytokine secretion/ communication within the immune system.
- Improves quality of life: physically, emotionally and energetically
How is Mistletoe administered?
- Intravenously into your blood stream
- Subcutaneously
- Intralesionally injection (into the tumour)
Emotional aspect: gradually moving from victimhood, blame towards acceptance and gratitude
Biographical work: finding and appreciating meaning of cancer journey and finding how the journey is serving you.
A good counsellor / psychotherapist or a biographical counsellor will help you both with your emotional journey and biographical work. Both Emotional and biographical work are necessary as healing takes place not only on physical level but also on emotional level and on the level of meaning (spiritually).